Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: July 2019
Generated 01-Aug-2019 00:30 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for July 2019
Total Hits 8979287
Total Files 8938138
Total Pages 8946954
Total Visits 80336
Total KBytes 4529320
Total Unique Sites 3038
Total Unique URLs 239
Total Unique Referrers 2282
Total Unique User Agents 48843
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 12068 70029
Hits per Day 289654 627110
Files per Day 288327 625413
Pages per Day 288611 625777
Sites per Day 98 1055
Visits per Day 2591 3949
KBytes per Day 146107 294471
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 99.54% 8938138
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.00% 10
Code 302 - Found 0.13% 11674
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.33% 29243
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.00% 222

Daily usage for July 2019

Daily Statistics for July 2019
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 144298 1.61% 143381 1.60% 143606 1.61% 2496 3.11% 870 28.64% 68652 1.52%
2 117493 1.31% 116677 1.31% 116802 1.31% 2284 2.84% 781 25.71% 56629 1.25%
3 303029 3.37% 302119 3.38% 302044 3.38% 2480 3.09% 1050 34.56% 169873 3.75%
4 101919 1.14% 100463 1.12% 100657 1.13% 2622 3.26% 919 30.25% 46382 1.02%
5 101320 1.13% 99666 1.12% 99903 1.12% 2922 3.64% 965 31.76% 44518 0.98%
6 84510 0.94% 83111 0.93% 83213 0.93% 2319 2.89% 905 29.79% 46070 1.02%
7 86263 0.96% 84814 0.95% 84974 0.95% 2610 3.25% 955 31.44% 41646 0.92%
8 382430 4.26% 380762 4.26% 381042 4.26% 2787 3.47% 982 32.32% 205575 4.54%
9 491824 5.48% 490084 5.48% 490232 5.48% 3391 4.22% 1033 34.00% 260240 5.75%
10 448587 5.00% 447401 5.01% 447588 5.00% 2637 3.28% 870 28.64% 241446 5.33%
11 385343 4.29% 383734 4.29% 384019 4.29% 2872 3.57% 991 32.62% 194795 4.30%
12 627110 6.98% 625413 7.00% 625777 6.99% 3949 4.92% 1055 34.73% 294471 6.50%
13 586571 6.53% 584832 6.54% 585222 6.54% 3535 4.40% 1002 32.98% 272990 6.03%
14 327470 3.65% 325781 3.64% 326135 3.65% 3515 4.38% 947 31.17% 149975 3.31%
15 195623 2.18% 194002 2.17% 194417 2.17% 2999 3.73% 928 30.55% 86146 1.90%
16 143040 1.59% 141579 1.58% 141869 1.59% 3086 3.84% 932 30.68% 60912 1.34%
17 164905 1.84% 163338 1.83% 163743 1.83% 2988 3.72% 926 30.48% 70749 1.56%
18 164357 1.83% 162352 1.82% 162959 1.82% 2601 3.24% 741 24.39% 74949 1.65%
19 167468 1.87% 165320 1.85% 166039 1.86% 2707 3.37% 746 24.56% 69549 1.54%
20 131161 1.46% 130188 1.46% 130475 1.46% 2437 3.03% 539 17.74% 56410 1.25%
21 397583 4.43% 396810 4.44% 396955 4.44% 2290 2.85% 503 16.56% 200809 4.43%
22 502824 5.60% 501991 5.62% 502165 5.61% 2161 2.69% 559 18.40% 258451 5.71%
23 115680 1.29% 114937 1.29% 114999 1.29% 2148 2.67% 503 16.56% 57534 1.27%
24 280773 3.13% 280240 3.14% 280313 3.13% 2014 2.51% 505 16.62% 148702 3.28%
25 277368 3.09% 276584 3.09% 276800 3.09% 2157 2.68% 524 17.25% 142979 3.16%
26 324418 3.61% 323595 3.62% 323777 3.62% 2310 2.88% 549 18.07% 179993 3.97%
27 333298 3.71% 332316 3.72% 332602 3.72% 2213 2.75% 569 18.73% 180042 3.98%
28 304145 3.39% 303312 3.39% 303433 3.39% 2020 2.51% 529 17.41% 162398 3.59%
29 386398 4.30% 384981 4.31% 385311 4.31% 2353 2.93% 689 22.68% 205270 4.53%
30 459059 5.11% 457102 5.11% 458010 5.12% 2376 2.96% 571 18.80% 241713 5.34%
31 443020 4.93% 441253 4.94% 441873 4.94% 2476 3.08% 715 23.54% 239451 5.29%

Hourly usage for July 2019

Hourly Statistics for July 2019
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 17014 527439 5.87% 16954 525597 5.88% 16970 526097 5.88% 8615 267050 5.90%
1 16480 510884 5.69% 16421 509070 5.70% 16440 509667 5.70% 8294 257107 5.68%
2 13235 410289 4.57% 13186 408769 4.57% 13199 409171 4.57% 6751 209295 4.62%
3 9198 285156 3.18% 9159 283950 3.18% 9166 284149 3.18% 4786 148366 3.28%
4 5194 161014 1.79% 5157 159886 1.79% 5161 160012 1.79% 2764 85678 1.89%
5 2929 90810 1.01% 2896 89804 1.00% 2898 89839 1.00% 1570 48668 1.07%
6 2102 65183 0.73% 2070 64178 0.72% 2071 64226 0.72% 1045 32392 0.72%
7 2374 73602 0.82% 2337 72476 0.81% 2339 72536 0.81% 1157 35873 0.79%
8 3060 94882 1.06% 3020 93621 1.05% 3024 93752 1.05% 1493 46272 1.02%
9 4285 132842 1.48% 4244 131576 1.47% 4247 131681 1.47% 2027 62840 1.39%
10 6279 194679 2.17% 6224 192964 2.16% 6232 193212 2.16% 2986 92567 2.04%
11 8245 255603 2.85% 8192 253971 2.84% 8202 254284 2.84% 3910 121195 2.68%
12 9641 298897 3.33% 9583 297079 3.32% 9588 297248 3.32% 4708 145941 3.22%
13 11392 353162 3.93% 11325 351102 3.93% 11338 351481 3.93% 5701 176724 3.90%
14 15106 468301 5.22% 15020 465648 5.21% 15045 466424 5.21% 7635 236670 5.23%
15 17347 537773 5.99% 17280 535702 5.99% 17303 536395 6.00% 8846 274221 6.05%
16 20069 622155 6.93% 19999 619973 6.94% 20018 620567 6.94% 10174 315390 6.96%
17 20744 643077 7.16% 20679 641062 7.17% 20700 641728 7.17% 10477 324781 7.17%
18 19961 618797 6.89% 19891 616629 6.90% 19909 617201 6.90% 10231 317165 7.00%
19 19428 602277 6.71% 19367 600404 6.72% 19377 600714 6.71% 9917 307440 6.79%
20 17085 529635 5.90% 17021 527659 5.90% 17038 528187 5.90% 8594 266425 5.88%
21 15628 484483 5.40% 15568 482608 5.40% 15580 482982 5.40% 7927 245748 5.43%
22 15549 482030 5.37% 15488 480138 5.37% 15502 480568 5.37% 7812 242172 5.35%
23 17300 536317 5.97% 17234 534272 5.98% 17252 534833 5.98% 8689 269344 5.95%

Top 30 of 239 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 4310919 48.01% 227331 5.02% /v2/www/delivery/lg.php
2 1382863 15.40% 1506375 33.26% /v2/www/delivery/spc.php
3 1103812 12.29% 757499 16.72% /v2/www/delivery/spcjs.php
4 1062838 11.84% 576044 12.72% /v2/www/delivery/afr.php
5 853603 9.51% 928612 20.50% /v2/www/delivery/ag.php
6 120320 1.34% 367256 8.11% /v2/www/delivery/asyncjs.php
7 84801 0.94% 29091 0.64% /v2/www/delivery/asyncspc.php
8 9884 0.11% 1823 0.04% /v2/www/delivery/fl.js
9 8112 0.09% 2828 0.06% /v2/www/delivery/ajs.php
10 3879 0.04% 192 0.00% /v2/www/delivery/avw.php
11 1651 0.02% 44 0.00% /v2/www/delivery/ck.php
12 411 0.00% 580 0.01% /v2/www/admin/dashboard.php
13 346 0.00% 1821 0.04% /v2/www/admin/stats.php
14 282 0.00% 1195 0.03% /v2/www/admin/campaign-edit.php
15 230 0.00% 1258 0.03% /v2/www/admin/assets/min.php
16 182 0.00% 281 0.01% /v2/www/admin/numberFormat.js.php
17 134 0.00% 621 0.01% /v2/www/admin/advertiser-campaigns.php
18 114 0.00% 956 0.02% /v2/www/admin/banner-edit.php
19 111 0.00% 503 0.01% /v2/www/admin/campaign-banners.php
20 96 0.00% 134 0.00% /www/admin/
21 72 0.00% 286 0.01% /v2/www/admin/advertiser-index.php
22 70 0.00% 513 0.01% /v2/www/admin/banner-zone.php
23 46 0.00% 66 0.00% /v2/www/admin/
24 36 0.00% 1 0.00% /v2/www/admin/maintenance-updates-js.php
25 35 0.00% 138 0.00% /v2/www/admin/advertiser-edit.php
26 35 0.00% 21 0.00% /v2/www/admin/assets/images/favicon.ico
27 31 0.00% 324 0.01% /images/9bbae98c7bfcea8a6bf19368af8dc27a.jpeg
28 31 0.00% 38 0.00% /v2/www/admin/assets/css/dashboard-home.css
29 31 0.00% 4170 0.09% /v2/www/admin/assets/js/dashboard.js
30 30 0.00% 28 0.00% /v2/www/admin/assets/css/dashboard-widget.css

Top 10 of 239 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 1382863 15.40% 1506375 33.26% /v2/www/delivery/spc.php
2 853603 9.51% 928612 20.50% /v2/www/delivery/ag.php
3 1103812 12.29% 757499 16.72% /v2/www/delivery/spcjs.php
4 1062838 11.84% 576044 12.72% /v2/www/delivery/afr.php
5 120320 1.34% 367256 8.11% /v2/www/delivery/asyncjs.php
6 4310919 48.01% 227331 5.02% /v2/www/delivery/lg.php
7 84801 0.94% 29091 0.64% /v2/www/delivery/asyncspc.php
8 31 0.00% 4170 0.09% /v2/www/admin/assets/js/dashboard.js
9 8112 0.09% 2828 0.06% /v2/www/delivery/ajs.php
10 9884 0.11% 1823 0.04% /v2/www/delivery/fl.js

Top 10 of 15 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 1103812 12.29% 32553 40.60% /v2/www/delivery/spcjs.php
2 4310919 48.01% 23089 28.79% /v2/www/delivery/lg.php
3 1382863 15.40% 13288 16.57% /v2/www/delivery/spc.php
4 853603 9.51% 3902 4.87% /v2/www/delivery/ag.php
5 1651 0.02% 3333 4.16% /v2/www/delivery/ck.php
6 1062838 11.84% 2956 3.69% /v2/www/delivery/afr.php
7 3879 0.04% 551 0.69% /v2/www/delivery/avw.php
8 120320 1.34% 351 0.44% /v2/www/delivery/asyncjs.php
9 84801 0.94% 106 0.13% /v2/www/delivery/asyncspc.php
10 8112 0.09% 22 0.03% /v2/www/delivery/ajs.php

Top 10 of 14 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 4310919 48.01% 58868 73.46% /v2/www/delivery/lg.php
2 1382863 15.40% 9346 11.66% /v2/www/delivery/spc.php
3 1651 0.02% 3390 4.23% /v2/www/delivery/ck.php
4 1062838 11.84% 3083 3.85% /v2/www/delivery/afr.php
5 1103812 12.29% 2426 3.03% /v2/www/delivery/spcjs.php
6 853603 9.51% 2213 2.76% /v2/www/delivery/ag.php
7 3879 0.04% 378 0.47% /v2/www/delivery/avw.php
8 120320 1.34% 195 0.24% /v2/www/delivery/asyncjs.php
9 84801 0.94% 126 0.16% /v2/www/delivery/asyncspc.php
10 96 0.00% 66 0.08% /www/admin/

Top 30 of 3038 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 1529395 17.03% 1528996 17.11% 778306 17.18% 6 0.01%
2 1524853 16.98% 1524486 17.06% 773842 17.09% 10 0.01%
3 1523973 16.97% 1523561 17.05% 773434 17.08% 13 0.02%
4 1513871 16.86% 1513532 16.93% 769180 16.98% 11 0.01%
5 451862 5.03% 451618 5.05% 222303 4.91% 48 0.06%
6 224463 2.50% 224325 2.51% 110667 2.44% 60 0.07%
7 220415 2.45% 220332 2.47% 108062 2.39% 66 0.08%
8 123810 1.38% 123711 1.38% 58946 1.30% 94 0.12%
9 121799 1.36% 121549 1.36% 56790 1.25% 92 0.11%
10 121528 1.35% 121015 1.35% 57301 1.27% 87 0.11%
11 119739 1.33% 119630 1.34% 56534 1.25% 94 0.12%
12 73377 0.82% 73319 0.82% 39252 0.87% 6 0.01%
13 72741 0.81% 72723 0.81% 39076 0.86% 5 0.01%
14 68170 0.76% 68161 0.76% 36788 0.81% 6 0.01%
15 46275 0.52% 46266 0.52% 25038 0.55% 4 0.00%
16 42596 0.47% 42555 0.48% 21101 0.47% 227 0.28%
17 42228 0.47% 42189 0.47% 20738 0.46% 270 0.34%
18 39774 0.44% 39727 0.44% 19989 0.44% 244 0.30%
19 39731 0.44% 39696 0.44% 19491 0.43% 254 0.32%
20 29340 0.33% 29328 0.33% 15964 0.35% 3 0.00%
21 25236 0.28% 25212 0.28% 7600 0.17% 202 0.25%
22 24650 0.27% 24520 0.27% 7455 0.16% 210 0.26%
23 24404 0.27% 24381 0.27% 7262 0.16% 214 0.27%
24 24337 0.27% 24320 0.27% 7318 0.16% 188 0.23%
25 24252 0.27% 24241 0.27% 7245 0.16% 207 0.26%
26 24107 0.27% 24101 0.27% 7062 0.16% 187 0.23%
27 24035 0.27% 23887 0.27% 7450 0.16% 230 0.29%
28 23751 0.26% 23723 0.27% 7109 0.16% 223 0.28%
29 21572 0.24% 21557 0.24% 10014 0.22% 78 0.10%
30 20226 0.23% 20217 0.23% 9369 0.21% 69 0.09%

Top 10 of 3038 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 1529395 17.03% 1528996 17.11% 778306 17.18% 6 0.01%
2 1524853 16.98% 1524486 17.06% 773842 17.09% 10 0.01%
3 1523973 16.97% 1523561 17.05% 773434 17.08% 13 0.02%
4 1513871 16.86% 1513532 16.93% 769180 16.98% 11 0.01%
5 451862 5.03% 451618 5.05% 222303 4.91% 48 0.06%
6 224463 2.50% 224325 2.51% 110667 2.44% 60 0.07%
7 220415 2.45% 220332 2.47% 108062 2.39% 66 0.08%
8 123810 1.38% 123711 1.38% 58946 1.30% 94 0.12%
9 121528 1.35% 121015 1.35% 57301 1.27% 87 0.11%
10 121799 1.36% 121549 1.36% 56790 1.25% 92 0.11%

Top 30 of 2282 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 4556649 50.75%
2 2100607 23.39%
3 97222 1.08%
4 70236 0.78% - (Direct Request)
5 34689 0.39%
6 29953 0.33%
7 25288 0.28%
8 24791 0.28%
9 23791 0.26%هشام-روزاق-يكتب-الطبيعة-لا-تكره-الفراغ/
10 23536 0.26%
11 23031 0.26%حسين-الوادعي-ومازال-المسلمون-مختلفين/
12 22082 0.25%
13 21242 0.24%
14 19613 0.22%
15 17676 0.20%
16 16950 0.19%حسين-الوادعي-التدين-قد-يكون-مرضاً-نفسي/
17 15987 0.18%
18 15852 0.18%
19 15604 0.17%
20 15326 0.17%
21 15178 0.17%
22 14800 0.16%
23 14730 0.16%
24 14466 0.16%
25 13913 0.15%
26 13736 0.15%
27 13459 0.15%
28 12953 0.14%
29 12891 0.14%
30 12835 0.14%

Top 3 of 3 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 1 33.33% anyanime
2 1 33.33% دريبي الدر�-
3 1 33.33% نجاة الوافي

Top 15 of 48843 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 279388 3.11% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/75.0.3770.142 Safari/537.36
2 221935 2.47% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/75.0.3770.142 Safari/537.36
3 206830 2.30% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/75.0.3770.142 Safari/537.36
4 184121 2.05% Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 12_3_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15E148 [FBAN/FBIOS;F
5 155132 1.73% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/75.0.3770.100 Safari/537.36
6 138567 1.54% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/75.0.3770.100 Safari/537.36
7 118881 1.32% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/75.0.3770.100 Safari/537.36
8 87469 0.97% Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 12_3_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/12.1.1 Mobile/15E14
9 83419 0.93% Mozilla/5.0 (Android 8.1; Mobile; rv:61.0) Gecko/67.0 Firefox/67.0
10 74612 0.83% Mozilla/5.0 (SMART-TV; Linux; Tizen 3.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) SamsungBrowser/2.0 Chrome/47.0.2526.69 TV saf
11 70724 0.79% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:67.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/67.0
12 56097 0.62% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.2.1; en-us; Nexus 5 Build/JOP40D) AppleWebKit/535.19 (KHTML, like Gecko; googleweblight) Chrome
13 47664 0.53% Mozilla/5.0 (SMART-TV; Linux; Tizen 4.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) SamsungBrowser/2.1 Chrome/56.0.2924.0 TV Safa
14 47656 0.53% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.1.1; SM-J250F Build/NMF26X; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/75.0.
15 43346 0.48% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 8.0.0; LDN-L21 Build/HUAWEILDN-L21; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome

Usage by Country for July 2019

Top 2 of 2 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 8976344 99.97% 8935461 99.97% 4526500 99.94% Unresolved/Unknown
2 2943 0.03% 2677 0.03% 2821 0.06% Commercial (com)

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.21